Tuesday, August 17, 2010

truth be told

I don't want to go home.


I made eye contact with a bumble bee,
and suddenly saw the flower.
towers of grass. and gallon full dropplets.
I came to a rock, and saw a collision of tension,
suddenly run dry. I sat on my hands,
and became useless. I spit out my teeth,

and sunk into the ground.
It met me with greed.

17 years.

The length of time that an organism has lived.

am I

Inferior to you?
do you think of me as such?

I can see you in a way you will never see yourself.

psyco mechanics

if the sound of these keys are chemicals in my brain.
if you are a charecter, an aspect of myself I created.
to end sorrow. If this was meaningless....
maybe I should try to fade away.

as if in a dream.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I free my shame.
I free my anger.
I free my thoughts.
I free my heart.

sick of getting so wrapped up in the physical world.
could really use some bud. someone to talk to.
maybe just some time with myself.

feeling a sudden very low tolerance for pain.
need some fresh air. deep breaths.
self love.

Let Me Rant

I hate people.
everyone predictable.
lacking any true substance.
narcacistic. assholes.


I am typing to a void.

Timothy Leary

"You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind."

Sleepy tounge, morning breakfast.

melted butter on Sourdough Toast.
with cold peach yogurt.
and a silver spoon.

This is the good life.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Theory of Existance

I forgot what day it was.
what a blissful feeling.

Like time is just a word.
and nothing ever truly dies.
tomorrow I may be stars.
then a sun. and you?
a million moons.

If imortality scares you...You may run.
But god is hidding beneath your bed,
and he will be much less forgiving then I.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

perhaps I am...

overly melodramatic.
but most upbeat people don't make for good poets.
with the exception of a few. self sufficiency takes one farther than hope alone.
my insecurities may be blessings in disguise.

one sided attraction.

my obsession with him remains.
but he is sought after by the long, dark, beautiful woman...
whom he seeks. he likes freash meat.

and I was his brief kill.
now my blood has drained. my fleash is now rotted.
I leave little to be desired, and I cannot blame him.
but I love him. I want him.

yet I left but a flee bite beneath his color.
to which I got but a taste.

predators are cruel.
and dispite my hungry growls.
I am but prey.

feelings of inadequacy

I am made of cells.
you are made of stones.
combine and you have a monster.
most are made to be alone.


ahhh nothing does compare,
to my early morning cigarette.
a happy dog, and make up smeared across my face.

Its cloudy overcast.
I dont mind. justifies my laziness.

Think ill paint today.
put on an old pair of jeans.

approach life as if I went wearing a pink feathered 80 pound chicken suit.
take a stab at happiness, and laugh if I miss.


Evil Talking Box

I believe that television is ruining my life.
This evil device continues to mold my little impressionable mind...
and I am often left disappointed when my mundane daily agenda, doesn't quite meet cinematic proportion.
When bad things happen, no one comes in to save me in the nick of time.
I rarely meet quirky fun loving friends in unlikely places, and when ever I want to accomplish anything...
It never takes place as a fucking montage. Its usually hard work, and no AC/DC guitar solo.
so fuck you Steven Spielberg. and the Hallmark channel.