Friday, December 31, 2010

10:37pmthere's no disadvantage in warm fuzzy feelings :P10:41pmdisadvantage*


umm, idk what to say then

guess ill let it go10:44pmI do really like spending time with you, cuddling you, kissing you, being with you, doing x rated things with you and all that fun stuff, but here's where I'm at.

I am REALLY in to this whole rave scene right now, and I really enjoy doing the things I do at raves, which includes making out with random people and flirting with everyone and sometimes even hooking up in the back of my besties car :P

I can't do these kinds of things if I'm in a relationship (no matter what form that takes), it's rude disrespectul and it'd just end up with everybody hurt.

As for my feelings for you, I think you're awesome and fun, down to earth and really open minded, all of which are things I find attractive :]

So I feel like we're great for eachother as friends with makeouts or whatever we want to call it, but I'm not looking/wanting to be anything more then that right now.10:45pmgood. thank you.10:45pmSorry that took so long >.<10:45pmas long as i know where your at with things- then im fine

ive just been hurt a lot so i need to know these things, so i can put restraints on how much of myself i give up

that really sucks that your so consumed with raving, at least on my part. but its understandable so i can respect that.

its kinda sad, cuz if i like someone they become the apple of my eye. and im extreemly loyal. you seem to have intrests all over the place.10:49pmI live too much in the moment is the problem10:49pmnot a problem

road block for certian things. but not bad.

its wierd tho. it seems like a real and consistant relationship would be more satisfying than the alternative. but your a dude, and thats what most dudes do. 10:52pmI agree that a real and consistant one is WAY better.

But I've been doing that since I was 15. I'm sick of it.10:53pmthen maybe you just havent found your special someone. in the mean time im happy to be your friend. whatever we have is fine and your free to do as you please.

then this is probubly something you need to go thru

i JUST got done with that phase, and find it disgusting. your obvioulsy not there yet :p11:03pmidk like

I feel like if I was in a relationship right now it'd have to be a super casual one, and I don't want that with you... like if we're going to be together then I want to be TOGETHER. You're not the kind of girl I could just like... 'date'. You know?

And I'd rather put it off and have a shot at a longer term thing then try and do something now and have it just crumble and fail.11:07pm I agree with you completly.

so all is well, im glad we talked about it

basicly we both do whatever feels right. if we grow together or grow apart its all part of life rich tapistry :D11:10pmSounds perfect <311:10pmto quote some boosh :p

happy 11:11

btw 11:11pmYay! cheer11:12pmi wish for a cigarette brb11:12pmgood luck!11:18pmback

success11:19pmomg I'm listening to an amazing SuperK mix11:21pmcecily just explained to me what the is

that*11:21pmoh lol you could have just asked me XD11:21pmtoday was the first time i had heard of it

she metioned it, and i was tottaly lost, so she enlightened me :)11:22pm:]11:22pmIM listening to the shins11:23pm:D11:24pmI thought i was burnt out. but havent listened to them in like 24 hours- so im back :D11:24pmXD11:26pmthey fit my life, so its a good soundtrack.11:26pmI'm listening to happy hardcore remixed Limp Bizkit11:27pmlimp biskit?!11:27pmYeah11:27pmohh my!

is it good?11:27pmIt's... ok

I like the lyrics, and the music doesn't sound like limp bizkit so it's good :D11:29pm:)11:40pmcant possibly be as awesome as THIS song:

fuck dat noise


no hambergurs and hot dogs? :p11:44pmno11:44pmand yea, thats pretty sick.

but its sow awesome.11:45pmI gotta go grab my dose for tomorrow, Ill be back in 1511:46pmkk

it had to of made you giggle11:46pmI thought about giggling

I almost made it to culmination

but I premature "that's fucking stupid"ated11:47pmok, fair enough

ASS11:47pmOK BRB


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