Thursday, November 18, 2010

first post in a while

Ive moved up to Lynnwood with my mom and her boyfriend adam,
and so far things are going well. I lost complete control over everything-
but its dripping back to life. I am stronger now. I no longer cringe with fear.
I got arrested two weeks ago for a run away charge, and posession of cocaine.
having spent the night before convulsing, dry heaving in a garage-
abused, left in the cold, needing to put out in order for that asshole
to let me sleep somewhere warm and dry. I was hallucinating, and hearing voices.
couldnt tell if I had overdosed, or was just sick and withdrawling already.
So I was happy to sleep in a cell for a night. happy to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
happy to be warm, and safe, and away from the things that got me there.
When the officers called my grandparents- they refused to pick me up.
all my other family memebers also refused, or where unable to come.
So the officers called my grandparents again and got permission to let me leave on my own.
they gave me a bus pass, and my shoes, and belongings, pointing me to the door.
I went down town and met up with my "boyfriend" whom I had met for the first time the day before.
he held me, with such convincing emotion saying how badly he missed and worried for me.
we say down, I was thinking. he spoke up "we shouldnt get the morning after pill, I think you should keep the baby if your pregnant. I want a family" I told him no of corse, and realised he was crazier than I was. but spoke down to me in a way that seemed like he knew. very...paternal and stern. all knowing. It was comforting, and I would find myself weaker listening to him, forgeting my better judgment, considering things I shouldnt be considering. My grandparents letting me go was the greatest thing anyone had ever done for me. That night I slept under a bridge and whatched bumbs shoot up. Angelo held me, and we fucked in the cold. seporatly, my back to his chest, and I just layed there. staring at the sleeping junkies. unaware of what the fuck was happening to my life. he was always such a selfish lover. I provided a hole to fill, and he neglected everyother part of me. such shitty sex. The next day I was craving some speed so badly I began to cry, I left angelo- told him I was done and he got angry and walked out of my life. I felt so much more capable on my own but without him I recieved a lot of unwanted attention. a man smoked me a joint and then asked for sex, another tried to lure me into chinatown prostitution. I became sick again and started shaking and crying. needed drugs more than anything- but the lifestyle was to frightening alone. I came to a train station and aproached one of the ticket salesmen. he let me call my mom and as soon as I got on the phone I began to sob. He bought me a train ticket and asked me if I had seen pay it forward. I said yes and promised to turn my life around, and mumbled some other dopey shit, and he said he had no idea what I was talking about- but I should get an id card. I said ok and borded the train. I got to seattle on wed and was miserable. I tried to forget everything but the memories where on loop. sober, I could recall things with a better understanding. I had been drugged, and raped in his bedroom- but didnt understand it at the time. "no im to high to fuck, i cant do this" and he says "no, your not to high" the speed he gave me made it to where I couldnt move. the next day we acted like it didnt happen. maybe he was suprised when it didnt phaze me but my self respect was so low it really didnt. it didnt seem unusual at the time that I would say no and he would keep going. hes a guy, hes horney, were still friends. Thinking about it became to much and I left my moms appartment sunday night looking for trouble. made my way to a hotel room with two guys and smoked meth. we drank beer, and then I got fingered by whats his name. he couldnt go through with sex because Im closer in age to his kid than him. but he tried again, and I said no he has his chance I was done. his concience battling his balls. " turns me on when you say no" but he couldnt do anything about it. I left, came home feeling ill with myself. I got drunk, and apparently went off on this rampage about how I needed a guy who could treat me like shit. use me. these guys are all pussies. when I got home I tried to hid it, but had to explain to my mother what had happend. she said she wasnt angry. she tried to get me to eat, and gave me a trazadone cuz I was incapable of sleep. now its been six days scince I have used. I feel better about myself each day, and am regaining clarity and peace of mind. I dont know why it was nessicary for things to get to such a dark and low point- but it was something I had to experience. self destruction followed through until the last bad thing I could possibly have done to myself was suicide. which would have been a fucking relief. but Ive survived. Im listening. Im breathing. Ive gotten it all out of my system, so the internal rumbling is still. so tierd of drugs, and disgusting sex. Im do yoga now, and whatch tv. I dont go out much, or at all. you could say im hiding. burrowed away from it all, but its better than the alternative.

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