Tuesday, November 23, 2010


bored with words that dont protray what the hell im trying to say.
clouds. the giant funky white devils of the sky.
nothing compares to how we really see. how we feel.
language is our most direct avenue of expression.
but there is a whole world that escapes words.
that words can only get a glimps of... but it never adds up.
there is this pool of mystery, things we will never be able to talk about,
or share with another. things we know so well, but cannot comprehend.
wrap our brain around. its cool, but so sad. so dissapointing.

there is so much magic in the life. how we interact,
its a beautiful thing. those times when two people are truely REAL with one another.
you experience it together. portaled into that other mystery land, away from the bullshit.

I got dajavoo the other day, and it was the most intense feeling...
and there was something big, old, and strange at my finger tips.
so many emotions... and no way to put words to it.
i will never be able to understand or describe what I felt.
what memories I was feeling for in the dark.
a past life. a recollection burried in my sub concious.
its something I will never be able to know.
my whole life I will continue to feel in the dark.
as will we all... stumbling. forever. feinding for something real.

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