Wednesday, November 3, 2010

i still hate my life

on the hunt for some co co co cocaineeeeeeeee.
im my brainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
everything hurts. I just wanna die.
maybe if I was pregnant Id have an excuse to call him.
I was doing so well, but sitting at the bus stop in the sun-
memories flooded back. and I need to get out of this fucking house.
I dont want to be here anymore. I dont want to be anywhere.
started shaking today during break, and I think everyone noticed.
I dont give a fuck. Im loosing my mind. Life feels more like a video game than anything.
pixels that mean nothing. no one has feelings. everyone has an agenda, and a mission-
and will fuck you over on their way. The acid I took yesterday has made my thoughts so blurry.
ontop of an already pending unstable mind set, It helped little.
coke though. thats just warm and fuzzy.
no worries.
no worries.
no worries.

finally got a good hookup through Raven,
so tomorow ima be on that shit like fuckn flies on honey.

You think im depressed?
You think im suicidle?
nahhhh. its mexican soup for dinner.
Im not passing that up.

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