Sunday, October 31, 2010

have your fun

with the only place I can be hurt.
I crawl twords the one thing Ive got.
the only thing that seems satisfying.
I kissed him thinking it would mean recovery.
mean that it didnt matter, what you did.
but it still hurts. the kiss wasnt the same.
as the slow motion, of falling for someone I thought mattered.
you had me in a bliss, a darkness crying throught the trees.
like a salty romance, that felt so absolutly right.
I could have been there for the rest of my life. because Im afraid of anthing else.
other guys make me miss you. they dont talk like you. think like you. hold me the way you did.
so thats it. hu? thats all we were. its an invasion of my sacred place.
my cell of love members. that clung to you like water on skin. you killed me.
and I dont know why this always seems to be the case. only strengthens my feelings-
of only being good for a fuck. It wasnt that hard, you didnt have to twist my emotions,
into a fucking wreckage just to get into my pants. you men make it a fucking art form,
the way you can so easily manipulate to get what you want.
did you like me in the palm of your hand? only to drop me like a roach,
your to high to smoke. I hate you. I hate what youve dont to me.
but I would do anything to have that feeling again.
Im a sick puppy. I cant help but love to strongly.
but im just a girl, Im so inexperienced with these things.
I can make your eyes roll to the back of your head,
but cant make you stick around. your friends give you high fives?
you tell them how sad I became. but what a good fuck.
how you hurt me, walked away and never looked back.
the thing is, your back on the search.
In my desperation, my fucking cluelessness for how someone could hurt so effortlessly,
i saw. youve been hitting up other girls. flirtatious little facebook comments.
they have no idea, what a complete asshole you are. and it makes me wonder,
if this is your soul source of action. no interst in love...
but you play it so well.

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