Saturday, October 30, 2010

to doug 12:43 in the morning

"If your not gunna call me, maybe we should just be friends. Making me think you care, then not hearing from you just fucks w my head so i give up" response

you got played fool. he doesnt give a fuck.
its just that, our last kiss was so tender, so vulnerable.

now hes got all the power and its making me squirm.
I am completly at his mercy. luckily the first talk of rejection is coming from me.
so Ive regained some control. I just dont understand.

I fucking gave him the option of fucking no emotions attached.
but noooo. "I like youu" its not like that.

so why. why why why.

I dont know what the fuck is going through his head,
but he isnt ready for any of this. weve been seeing eachother for two weeks and its already way to complicated. i fell to fast, and to hard. he obviously didnt, but I expect more of him.

I dont want to find anyone else.
I dont want to fuck anyone else.
Im done with that, I just want some stability.

and he is not providing.

first alex, now him. why am I always getting hurt.
left behind. abandoned.

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