Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I feel absolutly sick.
never thought this would happen to me.
not me. not me. not me.
got my results back,
and I still dont even have the guts to call him.
he fucking ruined me. everything I had he took from me.
I always felt alex was part of my life, a fundemental charecter to my story.
he was. i will never forget how badly he burnt me.
his indifference. completly emotionless.
It will always haunt me. like the murderer standing calmly over suffering victems.
without a care in the world, but absolute misery in their smile.
His reaction is what makes me afraid. I dont want to give him another oppurtunity to be an asshole.
but I need to tell him. I dont know who he's fucking, but he should know what he has.

how do things get so fucked up.
so wrong. everything is so wrong.

1 comment:

  1. never anticipated...
    that the fucker knew all along.
    and didnt tell me. thanks buddy.
    it doesnt hurt, because there is nothing more you could possibly do to me. every way you disrespected me has blurred into one sobbing mess inside. im over it. mentally. but ill always remember how badly YOU FUCKED ME OVER.
